Transform your emotional overload

How are you feeling?
Many of us start to feel anxious, stressed and overwhelmed with extra tasks, obligations and workload due to the upcoming holidays. It can be a challenge to maintain a good level of energy and resilience during this time, especially when the days are colder and shorter!

Stress and negative emotions can end up stored in our body and our mind. Noticing where we hold tension, mindful breathing and taking breaks can help us stay centered. However, sometimes it's necessary for us to seek restorative wellness, such as meditation, sound/energy healing and therapeutic bodywork, We also need to do things that make us feel happy and of course, to rest!

If you have experienced sound healing or meditation in a class or a private session, you know it can result in feeling more energized and centered. Your mind and body relaxes as you sink into a state of calm. You feel refreshed, sometimes experiencing shifts and a release of pent up emotions.

Research and my own experience have confirmed that sound and energy healing sessions can address a variety of physical and emotional imbalances and illness — from digestive issues to depression, anxiety and insomnia — and can provide a boost to your immune system.

Releasing unhealthy habits, non-serving patterns and beliefs and blocked emotions are necessary to move forward. Many of us are suffering from these sub-conscious patterns that inhibit our growth. Some of us end up being depressed, becoming addicted, having difficulty with relationships and in general, not moving forward to living our potential.

The good news is that you don’t need to have years of traditional therapy or medicine to feel better. Talk therapy is helpful but integrative holistic methods can be utilized more effectively and quickly. Healing our wounds, in body, mind and soul, is intense work but long lasting and effective. You owe it to yourself to experience and discover how you can utilize these modalities to transform and evolve. Energy work, transformational healing and coaching, creative and inspirational methods and meditation can be a huge stepping stone to freeing you from past blocks.

It is important to reflect and question what you want out of life. No one can really change your reality except yourself. When you become aware of your ability to change how you think, what you feel, how you see yourself and what you want out of your life, things begin to flow. Your energy shifts and there is positive movement.

As the end of 2019 approaches (can you believe it?!) and we head towards 2020, your may want to consider reflecting on those things in your life that no longer serve you, emotionally, financially, professionally and personally.   This new year can be one where you renew your vision, tap into inspiration and  connect with your heart wisdom, allowing for your dreams to manifest into reality.

What would you love to feel, what would you love to be doing and how would your life unfold if you expressed your vision and purpose authentically?

My own journey around these questions and how I made those changes in 2019 created a new path for me through meditation, creativity and working with my energy and intuition

I am excited to offer part of this intuitive process through a new workshop!.

Intuitive Soul Vision Collage
Sound and Creative Art to Inspire Your Vision
January 2020, with dates to be confirmed in December.

This Intuitive Collage workshop will guide you in a creative, soul-stirring approach to connect with your inner voice, vision and dreams.

This will be a wonderful way to start the new year with intention!

It will be fun, immersive and you will leave with not only your own inspired vision but a personal piece of artwork!

I will have details by December on my website, dates, cost and size of class.
Feel free to contact me right now with any questions or to be put on the class list ahead of time.


Enjoy and savor the season and take time for yourself to just be!

With love,

suzanne proietti