What do you notice?

I woke up this morning and nature had a beautiful surprise for us, an ice storm which sparkled and glistened like a beautiful winter wonderland. Everything was covered with a layer of ice and as the sun peaked out, it glittered and sparkled.

When I went out and started driving on the road, I was wondering if other people saw this glorious scene the way I was seeing it. Here was Mother Nature giving us a spectacular winter scene. I had a hard time keeping my eyes off the beauty of what was before me.

Memories came flooding back to an ice storm we had when I was a child. It seemed miraculous that everything was transformed. I still remember going out and feeling like I was in some fairy tale.

Nature is a reminder that we can always slow down and be in the moment of beauty when it is presented to us. Allowing yourself the time to savor wonder and beauty is a gift you give yourself. You become aware of being in life, not as a spectator but fully immersed.

When was the last time you simply sat and looked at anything in nature?

Are you moving so fast, just glancing but not really looking at what is around you each day?

You can change how you go about your day by giving attention to any of your senses; sight, scent, sound, touch and taste, which will anchor you in the present moment.

When you begin to notice life around you with a new awareness, there is the possibility of shifting how you react to the daily routines you have gotten used to. There are shifts and incremental changes that over time, can result in an improvement in the quality of your life and relationships.

This winter, if you live in those areas that get snow, ice and wintry weather, look out at what you see with a mindful approach. Notice what you experience, make no judgments (like this is crappy weather I have to drive in) and take in the wonder of being fully alive and engaged.

Ice storms can be considered either a wonderland or a nightmare. Today, I chose the wonderland.

Blessings and peace to you.

Founder of WellnessWisdom,  Suzanne Antal-Proietti  offers integrative wellness through a blend of holistic and creative healing modalities, including mindfulness meditation, intuitive life coaching, energy healing, sound vibration therapy and creative art.  Suzanne is a Certified Wellness & Life coach, Sound & Energy Healer, Teacher & Artist.   Contact her at 203-434-4209 or suz@wellnesswisdominspires.com