We Are The Gift

This year was very challenging for me personally and professionally, forcing me to really look within and make changes in how I approached difficulties and to also think about what I really wanted from my life. It made me re-evaluate the beliefs, emotions and energy that I was operating from. Since we are multi-dimensional beings, this was challenging and is an ever-evolving project. But it does all start from within.

Throughout the year, but especially during the Holiday Season, we become swept away in the commotion and activities. Some of us try to reflect on these celebrations and what they actually mean. I knew that with the upcoming celebrations, I wanted to be more present and enjoy the true gifts of family and friends. Some of the things I was reflecting on included these questions:

How can I slow down and enjoy these times with family and friends?
How can I find and experience meaning in the celebrations?
What are the most important things I have to share and give?

By approaching how I view any experience and shifting my energy, with love, non-judgment, acceptance of ‘what is’ without expectations, allowed me to feel joy and just be in the present moment. But the real gift of this holiday was that this energy was '“felt” by those around me and confirmed that we are all truly connected. Never doubt that we can transform through this awareness. My Thanksgiving this year became truly a “thanks giving”. And I am really grateful for the challenges because it made me aware of the many precious gifts in my life.

This morning, while reading ‘A Happy Pocket Full of Money’ by David Gikandi (which by the way, is about true wealth and discovering the value within yourself), I came across this passage:

“People attract what they are, not what they want. They attract what they love and what they fear. They sustain what they judge and condemn. What they resist persists. What they accept and examine mindfully releases them. What they truly believe is what becomes real in their lives.”

We are the gifts of the Season, for each other and for ourselves. It’s simple but not always easy to remember this, as we are all coming from different places in our lives. But this time of year really does give us an opportunity to really reflect, savor precious moments and experience the joy that is possible for all of us.

So this Holiday, take the time to reflect and even if it just one small change in awareness, you can shift your expectations, your energy and your attention. And remember, by being present in the energy of Love, all things are possible as that is the greatest gift we can share.

Love and Blessings.

The founder of WellnessWisdom, Suzanne Antal-Proietti offers integrative healing and wellness, stress relief and relaxation through creative healing modalities; mindfulness coaching, therapeutic bodywork/massage, energy healing, sound vibration therapy and creative arts. Suzanne is a Certified Wellness & Life coach, Licensed Massage Therapist, Certified in Integrative Reflexology and has a degree in Psychology with training in Reiki Level 2, CranioSacral Therapy, Energy Work and Stress Reduction Techniques. She helps clients create more joy, wellness and healing in their lives. Contact her at 203-434-4209 or suz@wellnesswisdominspires.com