What Do You Believe In?


Lately, I have been musing over beliefs and how we end up believing what we do. This has been on my mind a lot during these last few months, especially since there has been an increase in personal and collective beliefs colliding with each other. I am perplexed (and sometimes discouraged) when I encounter certain viewpoints that come from fear and anger. It makes me wonder how people come to believe what they do, especially when those beliefs have the potential to hurt others, and ultimately, themselves.

Discovering and understanding your belief system is a personal journey that requires some form of reflection and self-inquiry.  Many people may not be fully aware of how their beliefs influence their life, both positively and negatively. How we think and behave are usually habitual and automatic, so it requires one to cultivate a level of self awareness. Questioning our belief system is not a bad thing, as it allows us to make the connection between how our beliefs influence our behavior. 

Reflecting on this matter doesn't need to be complicated or judgmental. Think of it as an evacuation or an inspection of your mind and life.  It may be helpful to review some of your experiences and influences during the course of your life.  Personal and cultural environments contribute to the formation of how we think about the world. However, how you experience the world and who you are also have an impact on what you believe.

I remember when I was about 4 or 5 years old, I experienced the world as a magical place filled with wonderful possibilities.  Growing up as a child, the values of kindness, humor, compassion and love were deeply rooted into my belief system and formed my worldview.  I realize now that I was also kind of a "belief sampler", testing out whether things aligned with me on a soul level. I knew when certain beliefs and values matched and resonated with me and when they did not. Like many people, my  belief system has been tested during challenging times . When this happens, it gives us the opportunity to reaffirm our core selves to determine how we experience life events.  Ultimately, what has been beneficial to me is staying open to exploring other ways of thinking while reflecting on my own, so that I can continue to grow and evolve.

So, what are your beliefs and do they help or hinder you? Here is an article you may find helpful in exploring this topic: https://medium.com/intercultural-mindset/belief-systems-what-they-are-and-how-they-affect-you-1cd87aa775ff
Zsuzsanna, creator of WellnessWisdom, provides ways to navigate life more harmoniously and creatively. Consultations are available for individuals to discover their creative potential and authentic life path through holistic wisdom teachings and intuitive arts. Virtual and phone appointments available.